



The Grinch Party

The Grinch Party

Pics from Grinch parties

At their 25th Reunion, several members of the Class of 1987 reminisced about the annual Grinch Party, held in the late Andrews dormitory for several years. All the 澳门新葡京官网 Who’s would watch the original Dr. Seuss classic on a cutting-edge VCR player and large, 15” screen TV. As they all began to sing “Fahoo Fores! Dahoo Dores!” the Grinch himself would burst in with ornaments, refreshments, and his little dog, too.

Folklorist Linda T. Humphrey has called such customs “Small Group Festive Gatherings,” or SGFGs. Such events, she argues, fill “certain needs not met by other social situations. The interaction, expectations, and behavior differ from what we find in festivals, dances, or even at formal dinner parties” (197). Clearly, members of the Class of ’87 were filled with memories by the Grinch Party, memories of an SGFG they’ve treasured for 25 years.

As these alumni were leaving the Hilltop (somehow walking uphill on their way out), they wondered if today’s students continue this tradition of ringing in the Yule.

Work Cited

Humphrey, Linda T. “Small Group Festive Gatherings.” Journal of the Folklore Institute 16 (1979): 190-201.