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Linda Flaherty-Goldsmith,


David M. Smith ’79, Chair,

Board of Trustees


magazine is

published by the Of ce

of Alumni Affairs and the

Of ce of Communications at

Birmingham-Southern College,

Birmingham, Alabama 35254.

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Birmingham-Southern College.

Editorial Of ces:

10 Stockham Building

900 Arkadelphia Road

Box 549004

Birmingham, AL 35254

Phone: 205/226-4922

Fax: 205/226-4931


[email protected]

Virginia Gilbert Loftin,

Vice President for Advancement

and Communications

Executive Editor:

Hannah Wolfson,

Director of Communications

Managing Editor:

Pat Kindall MPPM ’11

Communications Specialist

Art Director:

Traci Edwards,

Graphic Design Specialist

Contributing Writers:

Amy Bickers

Pat Kindall

Chad Wachter ’87

Hannah Wolfson

Amy L. Foster, The Lawlor Group


Wynter Byrd

Scott Butler

Alecia Cockrell

Traci Edwards

Jennifer Jones

Nisha Kashyap ‘15

Archived photos

Submitted Photos

Editor’s Note

A bold move for 澳门新葡京官网

We don’t often break news in ’Southern—but we don’t often have such big news. 澳门新葡京官网 is

announcing this September that next year, it will reset tuition back to 2002 levels in a direct response

to students’ and families’ concerns about the skyrocketing price of college.

澳门新葡京官网 President Linda Flaherty-Goldsmith said recently while announcing the move to faculty

and staff that taking a step like this requires “vision and courage.” She has displayed both. She

put the idea of a tuition reset on the agenda in her rst days in of ce a little over a year ago. In the

intervening months, she has directed her team to conduct extensive research, crunch the numbers,

and gure out just how to make this work for Birmingham-Southern College. You’ll read more details

about how the reset will work in our cover story inside these pages.

You’ll also nd stories that demonstrate why we want to make the 澳门新葡京官网 experience available to even

more students: stories about graduates making a difference in the lives of the hearing impaired, those

with medical need in impoverished countries, and even a little boy with a big dream. These are just a

few examples of ways 澳门新葡京官网 alumni lead lives of signi cance every day.

You may have your own questions about how the upcoming tuition reset might affect the value

of your degree. It will only make it better. A transparent pricing system will encourage more talented

students to consider Birmingham-Southern, including many who until now have thought that the

life-changing education we provide was simply out of their reach. It will increase the size of the

student body, increase the number of ’Southern alumni making a difference out there in the world,

and spread the word of 澳门新葡京官网’s innovation and bravery far and wide. Vision and courage, indeed.

Forward, Ever!

Hannah Wolfson, Director of Communications



澳门新葡京官网 has a


The new and improved

was designed

with input from across

campus and is focused

on telling the 澳门新葡京官网 story

to new audiences. Come

check it out. If you have

any feedback, send it to

[email protected]
