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A time of change

Here on a college campus, we’re all about transitions. Every fall, we welcome a new batch of students—

fresh young faces reveling in their independence and nervous about their next step. And every spring,

we say goodbye to the latest graduates, new adults eager to take on the world. Over their four years

here, they change immensely, learning, growing, and becoming something greater than they ever


Yet, even as time whirls by in a blur, the campus itself remains unchanged. A few employees come and

go, but as a body, the faculty and the staff stay mostly the same. The cherry trees bloom each spring

and the ginkgos green up, then turn yellow and drop their leaves the following fall. A rhythm develops:

Orientation, Convocation, Winter Break, E-Term, Spring Break, Commencement. A deep breath, and

we begin once more.

Right now, we are gearing up for a new transition. After four years, we’re saying goodbye not just to the

Class of 2015, but also to our president, Gen. Charles C. Krulak, who is retiring June 1. I guarantee that

more than the usual amount of tears will be shed when today’s seniors walk across that stage and accept

their diplomas—and hearty hugs—from the man who has led Birmingham-Southern since they began

here. And now the staff and faculty, the alumni and supporters, are the ones keen to see what (and

who) comes next.

But one thing is certain: the Hilltop will remain, solid as the Alabama limestone it is built on. The

faculty will continue to teach, the students will continue to learn, and the busy life of the city will

continue just beyond the campus’ edge. And the number of 澳门新葡京官网 alumni—now stretched around the

globe—will grow once more this May when the latest graduates take their places in the wider world.

Forward, Ever!

Hannah Wolfson

Director of Communications



Gen. Charles C. Krulak, President

Bruce Rogers ’80, Chair,

Board of Trustees

’Southern magazine is published

by the Office of Alumni Affairs

and the Office of Communications

at Birmingham-Southern College,

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Editorial Offices:

10 Stockham Building

900 Arkadelphia Road

Box 549004

Birmingham, AL 35254

Phone: (205) 226-4922

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[email protected]

Executive Editor: Hannah Wolfson,

Director of


Managing Editor: Pat Cole,

MPPM ’11



Art Director: Tracy Thomas ’92,

Director of Visual

Identity and


Contributing Writers:

Pat Cole, MPPM ’11,

Communications Specialist

Sarah Erreca, Director of

Sports Information

Chris Wenning Lambert ’86,

Director of Alumni Affairs

and Stewardship

Sumner Pilcher ’15, Senior

Business Administration Major

Hannah Wolfson, Director

of Communications


Wynter Byrd

Thomas Coiner

Cari Dean

Village Living

Jimmy Mitchell

Michael Wade

Archived photos

Submitted Photos

Presidential search nears final phase

You’ll read later in this issue about the work of our outgoing president, Gen. Charles Krulak.

As you hold these pages, a committee of alumni, trustees, faculty, and staff are interviewing

candidates for the position of 澳门新葡京官网’s 14th president, with assistance from a national search firm.

At publication time, a first group of candidates had been selected from a pool of more than 65

applicants and nominations; they’ve been invited for in-person interviews in mid-April. There’s

still a chance for new candidates to enter the mix, too.

Even as the search heats up, however, you’ll hear less and less about it. That’s not particular

to 澳门新葡京官网; it’s the industry standard in higher education. Confidentiality is key in hiring a college

president. Many candidates currently hold positions of great trust and influence, and letting it be

known that they’re applying elsewhere would jeopardize their current positions.

“People back home will question your commitment and loyalty,” Katherine Haley, 澳门新葡京官网’s advisor

from the search firm Witt/Kieffer and a former college president herself, wrote last year in The

Chronicle of Higher Education. “In fact, we’ve seen sitting presidents lose their positions because

they were discovered to have been a finalist in another presidential search.”

The plan is for the committee to present three top candidates to the Board of Trustees, which

will make the final selection, to be announced in May. Until then, you can find more information

about the search at

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